Kids & Youth Work
As a Church one of our three visions, is that we would be a Church that equips and blesses the next generation, and fan their faith into flames. You and your Children would not only be welcome at any of our services, but they would also be welcome at any of the age specific groups we run. COntact usOur Children and Youth Groups
As a Church we currently run our Children and youth groups during our 10:30 service, they are lots of fun with plenty of activities and normally some kind of simple message which is accessible for your Child. If this is something you and your family might be interested in feel free to contact us to find out more, also as you can see below we don’t just run things on a Sunday Morning we also have activities during the week, feel free to pop along to any of the groups that you think will be right for your child.

Little Sparklers
Little Sparklers is our Baby and toddler group. It happens every Monday during term time at 1:30-3:00pm. Our team would love to welcome you and your children, to our baby and toddler group. We run it at St John’s centre, so feel free to come along to our next one. If you would like to find out more feel free to email:
Lighthouse is our family and children group, it meets on a Monday once a month, straight after school. It includes singing, food, stories and lots of games, all families are welcome. It starts at 3:30 and usually finishes around 4:30, book in by contacting us so we can prepare some food and activities for your family. The next lighthouse is a bit different as it is on a Saturday at 2pm, you and your family would be welcome to join us on this special Saturday lighthouse.

Film Club
On the First Thursday of every month we run a film club for young people aged between 10-16, during term time. It starts at 6pm and we aim to finish around 8:30pm. Your child would be welcome to join in, however the first time they come they would need to be registered by a parent or carer. It is free to join and there is a tuck shop if they want to have some sweets whilst watching the film.
Christmas & Easter Workshops
We run our Christmas and Easter workshops during term time, these are activity trails for Children from all the schools in our Parish. The trails are mainly for Y3 children where they learn all about the Christmas and Easter story. This is an interactive learning trail as we have people acting as angels, temple priests, shepherds and wise men etc. telling the story, alongside loads of craft activities! These workshops are a highlight for us and the children and we love being able to host them. The teachers said the activities are “fantastic” and that it is a “brilliant visit” where all the children’s needs were met. The teachers also spoke about how it really helped the kids understanding of the Christmas story and Christianity as a whole.